This is a painting by Pablo Amaringo entitled The Spirits or Mothers of the Plants, taken from the book Ayahuasca Visions, The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman. It depicts Shipibo shamans or vegetalistas in a trance so strong that one of them is having difficulty (lower left). They are having visions of their guardian spirits, the mothers of the plants.

From left to right the plants depicted are as follows:
Remocaspi tree, whose spirit resembles a wise old Chinese king wearing a golden crown.
Puka-Lupuna tree, the spirit of which is a dark skinned woman with cat eyes wearing a gold necklace.
Ajosquiro tree, with the small, curly-haired man in red with a red cape, protected by wild monkeys.
Renaquilla bush, whose spirit is a shipibo woman who will teach those who ingest this plant diet correctly.
Several other plants and spirits are depicted that guide, heal, and protect the shamans who eat the correct diet. Following a very strict diet is a tremendously important aspect of plant spirit medicine.


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